Acute vs Chronic Illness

In homeopathy you will have heard me talk about an acute consultation versus a chronic consultation.

What’s the difference?

I will offer an acute consultation for an acute illness when you deal with something acutely. What does this mean?

  • symptoms come on quite sudden - a cold, a fever, coughs, sunburn, sore throat, vomiting bug
  • comes on quickly and lasts for a limited time only
  • When it lasts longer than a month, it’s no longer acute
  • In an acute illness you have the incubation period, the acute period and the recovery period.
  • Those should not take a long time to get over, a bit like the German phrase:
    "A cold comes 3 days, stays 3 days and goes 3 days” ⟶ incubation phase, acute phase, recoery phase.
  • Acute illnesses need rest, some support, and usually clear up by themselves.
  • can include viral or bacterial infections, minor accidents and injuries

What can I do for an acute?

  • contact me for an acute, this will take 20 minutes on the phone or zoom, I’ll take all your symptoms and will analyse in the space of an hour and then email you with a prescription.
  • learn to read your symptoms and self-prescribe with a home prescriber’s kit
  • Home prescribing can be very rewarding and empowering but it is vital to use common sense
  • please always be cautious, if you have tried remedies and no imrpovement is seen then it’s best to speak to a homeopath.
  • Always be aware of the situation and and seek immediate medical assistance where it’s needed (e.g. serious burns, heart attack symptoms, stroke)

heart attackjpg

Chronic diseases are different. They usually develop slowly, last a long time or never go away, and are often progressive eg. Asthma, diabetes, heart disease.

When your illnesses come back all the time, when they are there all the time (for example, with asthma or eczema, depression, or anxiety), then we talk about a chronic illness.

Very often we don’t have very clear symptoms here and it requires the homeopath to collect a lot more information on the issues you come with, than in an acute case.

If an illness does not pass with rest, care and some remedies within a short period of time, it’s no longer an acute illness.

I will offer a full homeopathic consultation for a chronic illness. What does this mean?

I will take 60-90 minutes to speak with you about all aspects of your life but mostly about your presenting complaint (e.g. the issue that bothers you most). Then we will come up with a treatment plan that will include regular reviews on your path to health.


  ©Stephanie Joachim - Tree of Life Homeopathy - Aug 2024