Depression and Homeopathy

Worldwide around 280 million people suffer from depression. Women more so than men.

The fact that increased prevalence of depression comes at times of hormonal changes in women, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum and at (peri-)menopause, suggests that depression may be triggered by female hormonal fluctuations.

Signs of depression include, but are not limited to:

mood changes (high and low)
loss of interest
feelings of guilt, worthlessness
loss of libido
increased or decreased appetite
insomnia or tiredness
Low energy
Poor concentration
Suicidal ideation or attempts

What can be done conventionally?

Drug treatments can consist of:

  • Anti-Depressants (SSRIs, monoamine-oxydase, trycyclic drugs) – increase serotonin levels chemically – come with many side effects, some of them severe – e.g. drowsiness, nausea, anxiety, loss of appetite, weight gain, loss of libido etc.

  • natural medication: e.g. St. John’s Wort, Roses, Lemon Balm (herbs) and 5-HTP (an amino acid) – which increase serotonin levels in your body, which could improve symptoms of depression

  • beta-blockers are cardiac medications (for the heart) that are widely used to treat anxiety and depression – they work in part by slowing down your heart rate – and come with many side effects (dampen your mood, tiredness, restlessness etc.)

  • sedatives (e.g. benzos – benzodiazepame) - which, remove the physical symptoms of anxiety and depression (e.g. sleeplessness, but can be highly addictive and come with their own set of withdrawal symptoms)
Why is there anxiety or depression in the first place? They rather look at increasing the serotonin to counteract the symptoms.

As homeopaths we will:

look at what caused you dis-ease – that’s what it is – you lost your “ease” – your balance in life:

your history:
when did your physical or mental complaint start? E.g. did you experience grief, stress, frights etc?

look at your medical history: what happened prior to your complaint, was there something else going on?

Look at your character: are you an outgoing, lively person, or an introvert, quiet person, or somewhere in between? Are you rather home or at a party? Inside or outside? Prefer sun or rain?

Look at your modalities (what makes your complaints better or worse): warm weather or cold weather, better in morning or evening, etc.

Is there physical dis-ease? (headaches, sinus infections, asthma, allergies, menstrual problems, digestive problems? Do they happen alongside your main complaint?
Where do they happen (e.g. headaches around forehead or back of head, or temples?)

You see - we take about 60-90 minutes to listed to you tell us all that's important to oyur health in your first appointment. 

Then we take another 60-90 minutes to work on the information you’ve given us and to carefully select a remedy that will address all aspects of you.

That will be homeopathic to you.

Sometimes a few appointments are needed - especially if you are a long term sufferer.

When you will take the remedy you will gradually feel more balanced, more at ease, healthier.

That will be homeopathic to you.

Sometimes a few appointments are needed - especially if you are a long term sufferer.

When you will take the remedy you will gradually feel more balanced, more at ease, healthier.

A health that makes you happy and not just free from illness. 

A health that makes you enjoy your life! Because the world is your oyster!  

Would you like to find out more? Book a free 15 Minute chat with me.

  ©Stephanie Joachim - Tree of Life Homeopathy - July 2024