Homeopathy for Hay Fever and Allergies

Hay Fever and Homeopathy


We’re at the beginning of April and a lot of trees are starting to flower. Daffodils are out, tulips and lots of other flowers too, and the trees are blooming.

It looks fantastic out there, but truth be told, if you are a hay fever sufferer, you will not be happy about it.

So, what exactly is hay fever?

Hay fever is an allergic response to pollen or other allergens. The most known symptoms are sneezing, runny nose and streaming eyes.

Hay fever can be seasonal – occurring in spring and summer mostly, and caused by pollens from trees, grasses, and weeds.

Perennial hay fever occurs when people display symptoms all year around, cause by allergens like dust mites, pet hair or dander, or mold/mildew for example.

What can you do to support yourself during the time of seasonal hay fever?

  • try and keep windows closed on days with high pollen count and use air con in house and car if possible.
  • Wear glasses/sunglasses that wrap around to protect your eyes.
  • Shower or wash hair when coming in from outdoors.


What can you do to support yourself during the time of perennial hay fever?

  • Using “mite-proof” bedding covers to limit exposure to dust mites.
  • Dehumidifier to control mold/mildew
  • Wash hands after petting pets/animals.
  • Limit exposure to allergens if possible.


Symptoms of Hay Fever

  • Runny, itchy nose
  • Itchy eyes, mouth, or skin
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffed nose due to blockage or congestion
  • Fatigue (often reported due to poor quality sleep because of nasal obstruction)



Next time you have hay fever, try homeopathy.

Before you take antihistamines, try the below remedies. Homeopathy can effectively ease hay fever symptoms so much that many people who try it rarely reach for conventional medications again.

If the symptoms are intense, take the remedy that fits your symptoms best in a 30c potency 3 times a day.

Once you get relief, stop the remedy, and repeat it only when symptoms return. For more information on potency and dosage, please read here.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hay Fever

Allium Cepa

The onion! When you chop an onion – what happens? Runny, burning eyes, runny, burning nose. Those are the exact symptoms that Allium Cepa will help with:

  • Eyes: itching, biting, burning. Red. Burning/biting tears. Light sensitive. Watery eyes, better in open air. Wants to rub eyes. Swelling around eyes. Tears will not burn skin, nasal discharge will.
  • Ears: itching in ears from allergies
  • Head: dull headache (forehead). Worse indoors, worse evening.
  • Nose: drips. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room. Constant sneezing with profuse burning discharge. Burns nose and upper lip. Sensitive to odours of flowers and the skin of peaches. Nose stopped, nasal voice.


Keynote in Arsenicum is burning pains or sensations.

  • Burning in eyes with hot, acidy tears. swelling around eyes.
  • Tears are burning, making cheeks and eyelids sore. Lids may stick together.   Intense photophobia, better external warmth. Sensitive to sunlight.
  • Allergies. Hay fever
  • Runny nose, worse in open air, better indoors. Thin, watery, burning discharge. Nose feels stopped up but is running.
  • Sneezing with biting watery discharge.
  • Sneezing without relief.
  • Dry nose

Mixed Pollen/Mixed Grasses

This remedy is made from a pollen and grass mix and may be beneficial if you haven’t had much luck with other well indicated hay fever remedies.

Nat Mur

  • Hay fever, watery discharge from eyes and nose.
  • Alternate fluent and dry nasal discharge.
  • Discharge thin and watery like raw egg white.
  • Violent sneezing; sneezing early in the morning.
  • Dryness in nose.
  • Eyes itch and burn - must wipe them.
  • Worse outside/worse sunlight.

Nux Vomica

  • Irritability, grumpy,
  • Symptoms worse in the morning and outside.
  • Conjunctivitis in spring.
  • Violent sneezing
  • runny nose in the morning but dry and blocked at night
  • Tickly throat after waking


  • Allergies & hay fever
  • Hay fever with watery burning eyes.
  • Burning tears, but mild discharge from nose. (Allium is opposite)
  • Burning and swelling of lids
  • Constant runny nose, that doesn’t burn skin. Runny nose at day, blocked at night.
  • Violent irritation to sneeze, without cold or apparent cause. Eruption on wings of nose. Flat cancer on the right side of the nose.


  • Allergies, hay fever
  • Chilly, sensitive to cold
  • Tickling and itching in ears.
  • Deafness in ears.
  • Red, burning eyelids. Redness of margins of eyelids.
  • Teary eyes, worse during pain, sneezing, coughing, yawning.
  • Spasmodic sneezing with running nose. Copious, watery, nasal discharge. Coryza with severe frontal pains and redness of eyes and lachrymation.
  • Runny nose, worse from the odour of flowers, even thinking of flowers increases the discharge.
  • Oversensitive to odours
  • Achoo, Achoo, Achoo


  • Hay fever symptoms, itching in sinuses.
  • Prickling, dry sensation in sinuses, sensation as if something is stuck in nose or throat.
  • Itching of roof of the mouth
  • Desire to clear throat
  • Hay asthma, allergic asthma


  • changing symptoms is a keynote of Pulsatilla.
  • itchy, watery eyes, better for cold
  • worse heat of any kind
  • discharge from nose watery, might also become yellow/greenish.
  • Much better in fresh air
  • Nose stopped up in house and runny in open air.
  • Urticaria (skin) in summer
  • Skin itches when getting heated

So, as you can see, there are a variety of remedies available. If you're unsure, why not contact me for a free 15 min call, or an acute consultation, if you'd like to get a prescription. 

Infos on how to take your remedies can be found here.

For now I'm going to go into my garden and enjoy hands in dirt for a while, it's so grounding. I just love spring. I leave you with a quote I found: 

The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.

Gertrude Wister 

©Stephanie Joachim – Tree of Life Homeopathy April 2024