Is it perimenopause or is it stress?

I find it very difficult to distinguish if it's one or the other, as they come with similar symptoms, for example, both can have:
  • Hot flushes and palpiations

  • anxiety and mood swings

  • sleep issues (too long, too short, interruptes)

  • Irregular periods
So how do we differentiate?

Is it stress?

When we go through perimenopause or menopause often other things will happen in our life too. We have mortgages, or rent to pay. Our nest is becoming empty, if children are starting to move out. We support our children financially and thus, may be working full time. Our relationship with a significant other (or lack of) may be a stressor.

When you're normal routine is taking a dive, your body gets stressed. It produces cortisol - also a hormone.

When you cortisol level is out of balance it can appear with symptoms like sleep disruption, mood swings, changes in period, very similar to (peri-)menopause, right?

Cortisol also has a knock on effect on estrogen and progesterone - the two hormones that affect us most in (peri-)menopause - and can result in irregular periods, more or less intense bleeds or missing periods.

So you think you're not stressed? Then you may well be moving into (peri-)menopause

Is it perimenopause?

From around the age of 45 to 55, you may see changes in your menstrual cylce, as the production of estrogen and progesterone slows down. This can come along with low libido, mood swings, hot flushes, weight gain.

Perhaps the strongest indicator is the change in menstrual periods, pointing to (peri-)menopause.

Look at your lifestyle, look at your symptoms.

Speak to someone who can help balance your life and hormones again, be it Cortisol or estrogen/progesterone. Homeopathy is an excellent choice to help you balance, in every way!

Would you like to find out more? Book a free 15 Minute chat with me.

©Stephanie Joachim - Tree of Life Homeopathy - October 2024