My Journey to becoming a Homeopath…

My Journey to becoming a Homeopath…


I’ve had it coming for 10 years.

10 years of knowing there must be more.
Not quite trusting the process yet, but it happened anyway.
As if the universe knew – relentlessly pushing me towards this – the path of the wounded healer - and right into the Irish School of Homeopathy.

The thought of travelling from Galway to Dublin for 4 years on a monthly basis for a full weekend made me feel sick.
It took 4 weekends, and I made a special friend who offered me a bed, and a friendship! The camaraderie and selfless exchange of knowledge in our year and between students and tutors was something I had not seen until then.

And thus, the fire was lit.

This course has put me on the path of healing myself and, in the process, helping others heal.

Over the last 4 years I’ve seen myself expand, trust and transform.

I was unsettled in 1st year, coming home after each weekend with lots of new ideas and remedies in my head that would “definitely fit my picture”. Finding a great homeopath and being treated regularly settled that.

2nd year saw me emerging in the miasms, something I still find difficult, but again, I found myself open to the ideas and discussions we had in class on this.

Finally starting to take cases I must admit, I felt like a fraud first. The confidence of being able to do this wasn’t there at first. It still isn’t at times now. But I remind myself that every case and every follow up is a clean slate and we go with what we see.

I took the chance to see as many patients as possible in 3rd and 4th year and have formed a close bond with some supervisors, not only being supervised or rather mentored on the cases, but advised in starting practice, in trusting the process – being given valuable information.

I contacted 10 different supervisors, and while I’ve felt more comfortable with some than others, I’ve taken away and learnt something for life from all of them. And no doubt, some of the connections are here to stay.

I’ve encountered difficult cases that made me doubt and review my own boundaries, but I realised that it is a process, that I need to review every now and then. To not become complacent and take things for granted and to be mindful to myself in all of this.

I can see how homeopaths are prone to burnout so to have the awareness and take the necessary action is of utmost importance.

I’ve started practicing mindfulness over the last years and I have a garden I hugely enjoy, growing vegetables and plants of all sorts really. I enjoy being out in nature and walking, but sometimes, it needs to be a bit stronger! That’s when I go to Taekwondo. Which is brilliant to let of steam, to exercise and meditate, all at the same time.

With the beginning of 4th year, I got the clarity I needed. Where I’d like my path to go. This, too, was a process that started from 1st year and involved my family, because they’re part of this change too. To have a husband who is that supportive and on board with me practicing homeopathy now, and maybe, at some stage, do this full-time.

My journey through the professional course that is offered by the Irish School of Homeopathy has been nothing but amazing.

It’s a course I can highly recommend to anyone who has an interest in this area of alternative medicine. And anyone who is doubting themselves after each year – should I continue into the next year? Just do it. There’s so much to be gained – for life.

Please share this with anyone who needs to read it. ????

Nov 20, 2023