Weight Gain in (Peri-)Menopause

Let’s face it…

Weight gain is a big topic for most women (no pun intended) … but then you get to menopause, and it goes up another notch.

Weight gain during menopause is a common concern for many women. This phase of life brings about significant hormonal changes that can impact body composition, metabolism, and fat distribution.

The decline in oestrogen levels is a key factor that contributes to weight gain around the abdomen, rather than the hips and thighs.
This shift not only affects physical appearance but may also increase the risk of developing health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.

Lifestyle factors play a crucial role in managing weight during menopause. Regular physical activity, including strength training and aerobic exercises, can help counteract the slowing metabolism that often accompanies ageing.

Weight management can be supported by adopting a nutrient-rich diet that is:

·       high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains

·       low in processed foods and sugars

It's also important to pay attention to portion sizes and eating habits, as menopausal changes can affect appetite and fullness cues.

Other vital components of healthy lifestyle during menopause:

·       Stress management - high stress levels can lead to emotional eating and increased cravings for unhealthy foods.

·       Adequate sleep - poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balances further, making weight management even more challenging - insomnia is also common in times of (peri-) menopause.

Seeking support from healthcare providers, nutritionists, or support groups can provide additional strategies and encouragement for women navigating weight gain during menopause.

Understanding and addressing these changes holistically can help reduce the impact of menopause and promote overall health and wellbeing during this stage of life.

In addition to that homeopathy can support in gaining back the balance in your hormone household.

Homeopathic remedies for weight loss

suitable for women who are inclined to obesity. history of delayed menstruation period. Very cautious, timid, and hesitant women. is an excellent remedy for weight gain during menopause. Sad, full of fears and irresolute. Stubborn and moody. Always cold.

Calcarea Carbonica
This remedy is for individuals with a slow metabolism who carry extra weight, particularly around the abdomen. Typically, these individuals experience constipation because of their sluggish metabolism. Additionally, they often sweat heavily, mainly on the head, and are highly sensitive to the cold.

This remedy is suitable for women who show irritability and indifference towards their family members. A significant sign for using Sepia is feeling a downward pressure in the pelvic region. Sepia helps balance hormones during menopause, which in turn can assist in weight loss. They may also experience hot flushes.

This remedy is for individuals who experience weight gain on the lower body parts - like thighs and buttocks. A lot of gastro-intestinal symptoms can be seen, like bloating, flatulence, and constipation. They can be very hungry and eat far more than they should. Emotionally, they are very irritated people who tend to get angry over minor issues.

Natrum Muriaticum
If you find yourself accumulating fat in your lower body, particularly in the buttocks and thighs, Natrum Muriaticum might be the right remedy for you. This treatment is specifically designed for individuals who have an insatiable hunger, particularly for salty foods, and often experience headaches and migraines. It is commonly prescribed for those who tend to gain weight after going through heartbreak or during episodes of depression. Natrum Mur is often recommended for overweight patients who frequently cry and have an increased appetite.

Natrum Phosphoricum
Individuals experiencing excess acidity may find relief with Natrum Phosphoricum, which can help alleviate sour belching and a sour taste in the mouth. This remedy acts as a pH balancer in the body and functions as a natural antacid. Taking Natrum Phos in a low potency before meals may aid in weight reduction, improve digestion, and reduce the burning sensation in the stomach.

Ignatia is effective in reducing weight in individuals who are overweight due to depression. Those who need Ignatia tend to overeat because of sadness, leading to weight gain. These individuals experience mood swings, fluctuating between sadness and happiness, and from laughter to tears.

This remedy’s main function is to control hunger cues and aid in the digestion process. Additionally, it contributes to hormone regulation and metabolic activities within the body.

Antimonium Crudum
Overeating beyond capacity. Digestion is out of routine easily. Fluctuating between loose stool and constipation is frequently reported. A white-coated tongue is a notable indication in individuals. Thin legs, heavy upper body.

Nux Vomica It is suggested for individuals who have put on extra weight because of a lack of physical activity. A key sign is persistent constipation in long-term sufferers. Another sign is a low tolerance to cold temperatures. Individuals requiring this remedy enjoy spicy, fatty foods, and stimulants such as coffee or alcohol. Mentally, the individual is highly sensitive to external stimuli and can get very irritable or anger easily.

Ammonium carb
Obese, tired, and wary. Always feeling the cold.  They usually lead a sedentary lifestyle. Carry most of their excess weight in the upper body, compared to their legs that are usually thin. They feel better for eating. Constipation with hard, dry stools.

Fucus Vesiculosus
Fucus Vesiculosus is the preferred solution when hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain or obesity. It aids in digestion, relieves constipation, and diminishes flatulence. This remedy is recommended in the form of a mother tincture or low potency.

Infos on how to take your remedies can be found here.

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©Stephanie Joachim – Tree of Life Homeopathy April 2024